Performance charts for DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund (AAAZX) including intraday, historical and comparison charts, technical analysis and trend lines. Get the latest DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund - Class Inst (AAAZX) stock price quote with financials, statistics, dividends, charts and more. Get DWS RREEF Real Assets Inst (AAAZX) real-time mutual fund quotes, news, price and financial information from Magnifi. DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund. Shareclass. DWS RREEF Real Assets Inst (AAAZX). Type Find more financial data on AAAZX at What's next? Learn how. Get the latest DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund - Class Inst (AAAZX) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you.

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AAAZX. Tweet. Invest Your Values. Sustainability report card. As You Sow's Find more financial data on AAAZX at What's next? Learn how. Find the latest DWS RREEF Real Assets Inst (AAAZX) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. AAAZX: DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund - Class Institutional - Fund Profile. Get the lastest Fund Profile for DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund - Class Institutional. Get the latest DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund -nstitutional (AAAZX) price, news, buy or sell recommendation, and investing advice from Wall Street. See DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund (AAAZX) mutual fund ratings from all the top fund analysts in one place. See DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund performance. DWS RREEF Real Assets Inst (AAAZX). Type. Open-end mutual fund. Manager. DWS. Gender equality score. / points. Overall score. View Top Holdings and Key Holding Information for DWS RREEF Real Assets Inst (AAAZX). AAAZX's dividend yield, history, payout ratio & much more! The #1 Source For Dividend Investing. AAAZX Performance and Fees The expense ratio measures how much of a fund's assets are used for administrative expenses and operating expenses, including.

DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund;Institutional advanced mutual fund charts by MarketWatch. View AAAZX mutual fund data and compare to other funds. Fund Overview ; Sponsor, DWS ; CUSIP, K ; Name, DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund - Class Inst ; Symbol, AAAZX ; Category, Global Allocation. Get AAAZX mutual fund information for DWS-RREEF-Real-Assets-FundClass-Inst, including a fund overview,, Morningstar summary, tax analysis. See performance data and interactive charts for DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund (AAAZX). Research information including trailing returns and hypothetical growth. (AAAZX). Type. Open-end mutual fund. Manager. DWS. Tobacco grade: No holdings AAAZX. DWS RREEF Real Assets Fund. Family. DWS. Category. Global Allocation.

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